[opencms-dev] redirect from within template

Felix Sprick felix.sprick at netlight.se
Wed Apr 25 09:56:20 CEST 2007


I have trouble redirecting a request from within my template. I would like to 
call another page that is located outside the CMS environment while passing the 
parameters that the template page has received. 
This is what I do:

Enumeration pNames = request.getParameterNames();
   while (pNames.hasMoreElements())
     String parameterName = pNames.nextElement().toString();
     String paramValue = request.getParameter(parameterName);
     paramValue = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(paramValue, codePage);
     paramValue = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(paramValue,"UTF-8");
    if (parameters.equals(""))
      parameters = parameterName + "=" + paramValue;
      parameters += "&" + parameterName + "=" + paramValue;

String destination = "http://myExternalPage.com/index.html?" + parameters ;
CmsRequestUtil.forwardRequest(destination , request,response)

What happens is that I get redirected to an empty page. I printed out the 
string where it is supposed to redirect and it looks fine. There are no log 
entries whatsoever. Any idea what I could have done wrong? Are there any other 
ways to do redirects in the template?


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