[opencms-dev] caching of jsp can lead to great confusion

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Thu May 10 18:45:27 CEST 2007

Hi Chris,

in the cache administration tool of opencms there is a function called "purge JSP cache".
This should get rid of any temporary JSPs in the filesystem and force the JSPs to be re-written into the filesystem in their current state upon next execution.


> I was fooled this morning by a havoc I had in my external site (that is
> connected to the Internet).
> I did an upgrade of that site from 6.0.4 to 6.2.3, reimported to old
> site database.zip and org.mysite.frontend.zip to test that the old site
> was functioning.
> Then I imported the new zip files (database and modules) into it, over
> it, so to say. (Beware when you forget to set the correct root 
> of a site when importing, which also occured to me once or twice :-(
> Anyway, after importing and publishing I wondered why the new pages
> looked terrible.
> It seemed as though the old jsps were active. Moreover the old OpenCMS
> logo was in the workplace which added to the confusion. I changed
> tomcat, mysql and everything else. So the panic was great when I found
> my site totally broken now.
> A little bit searching showed evidence that tomcat was using
> webapps/ROOT/WEB-APP/jsp/system/modules/org.mysite.frontend/templates/main.jsp 
> etc.
> After deleting these files everything was fine.
> An experience which many must already have gone through but for me it
> was the first time. So the confusion was great, as you can imagine.
> What is the "correct" way to "flush" this kind of cache other than
> deleting the files?
> --
> Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de
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