[opencms-dev] (mis)understanding Flex cache

Claus Priisholm cpr at codedroids.com
Mon Jan 28 17:37:11 CET 2008

I take it that you want the JSP use your imageId to decide what to 
return. If so, then you must the "params" cache directive for the JSP - 
i.e. params=(imageId).

Whether or not you need the "locale" cache depends on what it is you 
want to do, but if you include something like "locale,params=(imageId)" 
  then you'll potentially end up with a cached copy of output from the 
JSP for each of the possible locales times the number of imageIds 

Pere Torrodellas wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't understand why Flex cache was not working as I understand it 
> should in the following case of a JSP. Am I completely wrong about how 
> this works?
> 1. The JSP had property cache=locale only beacuse in case of error it 
> must redirect to a different page depending on language, otherwise I 
> would have defined cache=always.
> 2. The JSP does this:
>     2.1 Find out locale from OpenCms
>     2.2 Get value of the "imageId" request parameter
>     2.3 Get image bytes with id = imageId from DB
>     2.4 Write image bytes to the response output.
>     2.5 If exception, redirect to page depending on locale
> As far as I understand, this should work because the resulting 
> image depends only on the "imageId" request parameter, but users were 
> getting the same image all the time until I took the JSP out of the Flex 
> cache. Can someone explain why?
> Thanks,
> Pere
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Claus Priisholm, CodeDroids ApS
Phone: +45 48 22 46 46
cpr (you know what) codedroids.com - http://www.codedroids.com
cpr (you know what) interlet.dk - http://www.interlet.dk
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