[opencms-dev] Custom collector with parametrized search

Juan Francisco Fernández Rodríguez juanffernandez at faffe.es
Thu Mar 13 10:08:52 CET 2008

Hi list,


In my OpenCms system, I have a custom xmlcontent for news that is displayed
as a list, and now I have to allow the user to filter that list by some
fields of the content (title, country, dates, category, some Boolean fields,
etc.). I’m thinking to extend CmsSearchIndex to rebuild the Lucene’s search
query to perform a search in the fields specified by the user. Is this the
best solution? 


If the answer is yes, then I have another question. It’s related to indexes,
because I think I must include the fields that I want to search in the index
that I will use. But I will use this collector with more than one
xmlcontent, so I don’t know if I have to create a new index for each type of
content, or include all the possible fields in only one index.


Thanks a lot!




Juan Francisco Fernández Rodríguez
Dirección de organización y Sistemas. Dpto de Servicios Informáticos
Carretera de la esclusa, 11. 
Edificio Galia Puerto. Acceso A.
41011 Sevilla
Tfno.: 954 385 550   Fax: 954 915 119
Correo-e: juanffernandez at faffe.es


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