[opencms-dev] Index an XmlContent element

Juan Francisco Fernández juanffernandez at faffe.es
Thu Apr 3 10:48:19 CEST 2008

Hi guys, 


I want to perform a search using Lucene engine in a custom xmlcontent
created by my own. I want to search only in one field of this content, and I
have tried all the possible configurations in the Search Management tools at
the Admin View. I thouth that I must configure it as this at





<field name="ElementName" store="false" index="true">

<mapping type="item">ElementName</mapping>





Then I assigned this field configuration to an index:



<name>IndexXmlContentName </name>










And rebuild the index. Then I try to find a Term that appears in
ElementName, at least, on one file of this content type, and no results have
been returned. If I change the mapping type to content, then it returns all
the files that contains the term at any content’s item, so I think the
search is working ok but I have the problem at the field configuration. 


Any suggestion?




Juan Francisco Fernández Rodríguez
Dirección de Organización y Sistemas. Dpto de Servicios Informáticos
Carretera de la esclusa, 11. 
Edificio Galia Puerto. Acceso A.
41011 Sevilla
Tfno.: 954 385 550   Fax: 954 915 119
Correo-e: juanffernandez at faffe.es <blocked::mailto:juanffernandez at faffe.es> 


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