[opencms-dev] Unable to Edit After Upgrade

Brett Sheeran brett.sheeran at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 18:05:05 CEST 2008


Since I ran the upgrade to take OpenCMS from 7.0.4 to 7.0.5, OpenCMS
will not edit any source code (JSPs etc). When I try to edit a page,
the following Javascript error appears in the browser:

Error 'editAreaLoader' is undefined
Code: 0
URL: http://localhost:8080/wap/system/workplace/editors/edit_main.jsp?resourcelist=&resource=%2Fabout.jsp

I looked at the JavaScript files referenced in edit_main.jsp and
edit_area_full.js does have an object called 'editAreaLoader'.

I suspect this is a path issue, we have configured the browser path to
be "wap" rather than "opencms", although this never gave us a problem
with 7.0.4. I have tried reinstalling OpenCMS from scratch, but still
get this error.

I am working to a tight deadline, so this is rather urgent.

Thanks you.

Regards Brett Sheeran

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