[opencms-dev] Folder Synchronization Exclusion lists?

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Thu Apr 23 08:29:48 CEST 2009

> on a related note: how does one request new features for opencms? OR 
> if someone has suggestions for the product, how does one provide 
> those suggestions?
You could write a feature request in the opencms bug tracker.

However, if this is supposed to become a feature then its adoption might be more ailistic if the excluded file names are configurable through the opencms xml configuration.

If you propose a simple and clean patch that adds a configuration option in one of the xml files and then does the filtering in the synchronization function - maybe Alkacon will accept this into opencms. Of course there is no guarantee and even if it is added into the opencms mainstream, this could take a while

Best regards
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