[opencms-dev] Still Cannot delete OU

Rainer Reichel rainer.reichel at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed May 27 08:54:25 CEST 2009

Hi all,

also a new try on a fresh installed OpenCms didn't solve
the problem to be unable to delete OUs. As soon as the
ldap module is active OUs cannot be deleted as there
are "groups left which must be removed first". But the
paradox is that the implicit Ldap Group is immutable
and undeletable :-(
Has anyone worked it out with an Active Directory?



OpenCms, das Enterprise Content Management System an der Universität
Mehr Infos unter http://opencms.uni-stuttgart.de/opencms/opencms/info/

Dipl.-Inf. Rainer Reichel
Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart
Neue Medien in Forschung und Lehre

E-Mail: rainer.reichel at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel:    +49-711-685-65579
Fax:    +49-711-685-55579

Zimmer 0.74
Allmandring 3a
D-70550 Stuttgart


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