[opencms-dev] Develop Modules with Eclipse remotely

Marc.Schlegel my.mailing.lists at gmx.de
Sun Jul 5 21:04:17 CEST 2009

Hello Everyone

It is very likely that I have to rewrite a website for my company (after 
I proposed the great OpenCMS ;) ) together with a collegue, and I am 
looking for a way to write modules in a convinient way. For another 
private project before I used the OpenCMS Module Developer which I 
actually like but it has some problems (notably with encoding, and that 
its only usefull on a local dev-machine).
I would like to use webdav access but unfortunately the "FTP and WebDav" 
plugin for Eclipse is discontinued for ages now. There were some 
proposals to put this feature under the "Target Management" project but 
until now (Eclipse 3.5) I am not able to connect to the webdav-servlet.

Some other ideas that came to my mind:
The synchronisation feature of OC but this seems a little bit cumbersome.
For testing I mapped a webdav folder to my windows explorer. I might be 
able to utilize this for Eclipse.

Thats why I am asking, "how are you developing modules remotely". Even 
though we have syntax highlighting in the editors, developing modules 
with a full blown IDE and features like content assist are much nicer.

Thanks in advance

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