[opencms-dev] UI Wish

Rainer Reichel rainer.reichel at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Feb 24 14:53:41 CET 2010

Hi all,

we've several structured types which have different output
pages. So far I can assign a variant with the
"template-elements" property only. Not that friendly for users.

Is there a chance to change dialgues and some methods?
Actually the template property pops up in
the workplace a couple of times but neither
I use it nor I want it. Our sites are always built up
on a single template.

It would be quite simple to define a property (or re-use
one like the "template" for templates for css assignment)
to store the information to which structured type this
page belongs to.

Best regards


OpenCms, das Enterprise Content Management System an der Universität
Mehr Infos unter http://opencms.uni-stuttgart.de/info/

Dipl.-Inf. Rainer Reichel
Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart
Neue Medien in Forschung und Lehre

E-Mail: rainer.reichel at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel:    +49-711-685-65579
Fax:    +49-711-685-55579

Zimmer 0.74
Allmandring 3a
D-70550 Stuttgart


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