[opencms-dev] Fragen: Releasezeitpunkt openCms + Metadaten dateibasiert einstellbar + Anlegen neuer Rollen

Springer, Stephan springer at media-solutions.de
Mon Dec 13 16:03:00 CET 2010

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve tested the latest Version from OpenCms (Version 7.5.3) the last week.

I like the product. Now I’ve got some questions:

When will be  OpenCms Version 8.0 official released? And which new features exists?

The metadata can be defined in VFS in the directory layer. Is it possible, that a single file in a directory can be defined differently? And when yes how?

Exists there a possibility to define new roles and to switch off or on the background-functionalities for the new role individual?

Thank you very much in advance for kindly answering my questions.

With kindly regards,

Stephan Springer

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Stephan Springer

 Media Solutions Gesellschaft für Informatiklösungen mbH
 Osterwaldstr. 10 / F21   |   80805 München

 Tel. +49 (89) 30 66 99-0   |   Fax +49 (89) 30 66 99-99
 springer at media-solutions.de<mailto:springer at media-solutions.de>   |   http://www.media-solutions.de

 Geschäftsführer: Michael Staar
 Amtsgericht München  |  HRB 111 412

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