[opencms-dev] opencms-dev Digest, Vol 323, Issue 1

Springer, Stephan springer at media-solutions.de
Tue Dec 14 14:29:06 CET 2010

Hello OpenCms-Team,

thank you very much for your fast answers.

I have got a further question: 

Exists there a plan to make the role management more flexible, so there can be defined new roles in future?

Because I know firms with 500 employees and more who are interested in such a java content-management-system. But the problem is, that in these firms employee with content-management-system -access should have individual permissions within content-management-system with the possibility to switch content-management-system-background functionalities visible or not.

So it is important for the firms to have a flexible configurable role management, which is individual configurable.

Thank you very much in advance for kindly answering my questions.

With friendly greetings

Stephan Springer

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