[opencms-dev] Kernel Patch

Felix Glade-Beucke felix.glade-beucke at componio.net
Tue Mar 8 09:33:45 CET 2011

Hi from Germany.

I have a patch for patching some OpenCms files. It is a kernel patch.
Files that was patched are:

/src/org/opencms/workplace/CmsWorkplace.java (update)
/src/org/opencms/workplace/CmsWidgetDialog.java (update)
/src/org/opencms/workplace/editors/CmsXmlContentEditor.java (update)
/src/org/opencms/xml/CmsXmlContentDefinition.java (update)
/src/org/opencms/xml/CmsXmlContentTypeManager.java (update)
/src/org/opencms/xml/CmsXmlComplexTypeSequence.java (update)
/modules/org.opencms.editors/resources/system/workplace/editors/xmlcontent/edit.js (update)
/modules/org.opencms.editors/resources/system/workplace/editors/xmlcontent/editor_form.jsp (update)

The last two files in the modules folder seems not to be included in the opencms.jar (kernel jar) from OpenCms while I am compiling OpenCms. How do I manage to include my changes in these folder to my OpenCms installation? 

Thank a lot and "Kölle Alaaf!" :)

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