[opencms-dev] Exception when updating to OpenCms 8

Michael Emmerich m.emmerich at alkacon.com
Wed May 11 16:53:08 CEST 2011

Hi List,

during the preparations for the OpenCms Days I did 10-20 upgrades with 
the updater, an all worked. Ok, this does not help you, but you might 
take a look into this:

BEFORE updateing please check if the Admin user has an non default 
setting for the Upload-Applet.
So go to the User-Managment -> Select the Admin User and look if you 
have an entry like this:

USERPREFERENCES_workplace-generaloptionsuploadapplet at java.lang.Boolean=false

I tested an updater with this additional info being there, and it faild 
as reported.

If this value is there, delete it, then the updater should work.

In OpenCms 7 this was just a boolean value, but this has changed for 
OpenCms 8 as you have three alternatives now (new dialogue, applet and 
simple upload). If the a value is stored, this causes the 
ClassCastException. It looks as if someone forgot to add a correct error 
handling here, sorry.

Kind Regards,

Am 11.05.2011 16:16, schrieb Deiverson Silveira:
> Hi list,
> I have same problem (ClassCastException) for update 7.5.4 > 8... :-|
> I try install full, and export data/modules project and import OpenCms 8.
> Deiverson Silveira
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Kind Regards,

Michael Emmerich

Alkacon Software GmbH  - The OpenCms Experts
http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org

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