[opencms-dev] Architecture for New ecommerice Site in opencms 8

Nazakat Ali nazakatali at jabssolutions.com
Mon May 23 21:18:11 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I am new in opencms. I try to reach Alkacon for Video Tutorials but they
refused by giving any sort of support to Pakistan. We keen to use Opencms
for our E-commerce Site, We spent lot of time on opencms as well for
understanding the basic features. Now we are almost done. We want to purpose
the new Architecture for Our client existing site. It will be the biggest
site ever develop in opencms as per my knowledge if we successfully don it. 


I Have following question:


1-      Can I get the Video Training stuff for opencms (off course we are
ready to pay). Video Training or any other detail material for creating
product management Module Example.

2-      What is the best architecture for Creating new ecommerce Site in

3-      What is the best way to use opencms partially for a new site. i.e.
if I want to use the existing site and part of it is moved into opencms. For
example we have huge Ecommerice site and in first step we want to create
allow end use to create static pages using opencms  and we want to develop
product management module in opencms as wel but rest the site should be
running as its.

4-      Should I develop new module for menu management (some menu element
are coming from the existing site and some are from opencms)?  Or opencms
giving me some of this possibilities.

5-      In Short what would be the best architecture?



I will be really very thankful if someone can guide us.



Nazakat Ali.



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