[opencms-dev] How do I update shared properties?

Paul-Inge Flakstad flakstad at npolar.no
Wed Oct 5 14:16:04 CEST 2011

Hi Thomas,

If you can't do this using the Admin panel (apparently it has no switch to specify shared/individual property, so I see the problem) I think the easiest solution would be to write a simple JSP script that does the job.

I've included a script that I wrote some time ago. HTH.


    Document   : script-change-property
    Created on : 16.mar.2011, 14:19:29
    Author     : Paul-Inge Flakstad <flakstad at npolar.no>
--%><%@ page import="org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement,
                 org.opencms.main.OpenCms" session="true" %><%!

* Gets an exception's stack strace as a string.
public String getStackTrace(Exception e) {
    String trace = "<div style=\"border:1px solid #900; color:#900; font-family:Courier, Monospace; font-size:80%; padding:1em; margin:2em;\">";
    trace+= "<p style=\"font-weight:bold;\">" + e.getMessage() + "</p>";
    StackTraceElement[] ste = e.getStackTrace();
    for (int i = 0; i < ste.length; i++) {
        StackTraceElement stElem = ste[i];
        trace += stElem.toString() + "<br />";
    trace += "</div>";
    return trace;
// Action element and CmsObject
CmsJspActionElement cms = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);
CmsObject cmso = cms.getCmsObject();
// Locale
Locale locale = cms.getRequestContext().getLocale();
String loc = locale.toString();
// Constants used in the script
final String FOLDER = "/your/content/folder/"; // Folders to collect files from
final String RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = "your_resource_type_name"; // The type name of resources to collect
final String PROPERTY_NAME = "your_property_name"; // The name of the property to change
final String OLD_VALUE = "your_old_value"; // The old property value
final String NEW_VALUE = "your_new_value"; // The new property value
final boolean READ_TREE = true; // Collect files in sub-tree?
// Filter for the resource type
final CmsResourceFilter FILTER = CmsResourceFilter.ALL.addRequireType(OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME).getTypeId());

// Get files
List filesInFolder = cmso.readResources(FOLDER, FILTER, READ_TREE);
Iterator iFilesInFolder = filesInFolder.iterator();

// Process collected files
while (iFilesInFolder.hasNext()) {
    CmsResource resource = (CmsResource)iFilesInFolder.next(); // Get the next collected resource
    String resourceName = resource.getName(); // The collected resource's name
    String resourcePath = cmso.getSitePath(resource); // The collected resource's path, relative to the current site

    // Get a list of all siblings (includes the resource itself)
    List siblings = cmso.readSiblings(resourcePath, FILTER);

    // Print some info
    out.println("<h4>Collected file: <code>" + resourcePath + " (" + resourceName + ")</code> plus " + (siblings.size()-1) + " siblings</h4>");
    out.println("Using locale: <code>" + loc + "</code><br />");

    try {
        // Get the property object, which will be used to modify property value
        CmsProperty property = cmso.readPropertyObject(resource, PROPERTY_NAME, false);

        // Here you could add check for whether or not the property needs to be written

        // Handle case: null-property
        if (property.isNullProperty()) {
            property = new CmsProperty(PROPERTY_NAME, null, null, true);

        // Set and write the property value
        out.println("Writing (" + PROPERTY_NAME + "='" + NEW_VALUE + "' on resource " + resourcePath + ") ...<br />");

        //cmso.lockResource(resourcePath); // Commented out ==> Require (parent folder) lock to be present before running this script
        property.setValue(NEW_VALUE, CmsProperty.TYPE_SHARED); // Write the value as shared
        property.setValue("", CmsProperty.TYPE_INDIVIDUAL); // Remove any individual value

        // IMPORTANT: Comment out the next line to run a test of the script without writing anything
        //cmso.writePropertyObject(resourcePath, property); // Write property on the resource

        //cmso.unlockResource(resourcePath); // Commented out ==> Require (parent folder) lock to be present before running this script

        // Handle siblings
        Iterator iSiblings = siblings.iterator();
        while (iSiblings.hasNext()) {
            CmsResource sibling = (CmsResource)iSiblings.next();
            String siblingPath = cmso.getSitePath(sibling);
            if (!siblingPath.equals(resourcePath)) {
                out.println("Processing sibling: <code>" + siblingPath + "</code><br />");
                // Do something with the sibling

        out.println("Done!<br />");
        out.println("<hr />");
    } catch (Exception e) {

From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org [mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Göttlich
Sent: 5. oktober 2011 11:01
To: The OpenCms mailing list
Subject: [opencms-dev] How do I update shared properties?

Hi all,

I'm currently restructuring our site and modules.
During this process, some templates are moved from one module to another.
However, there are a couple of existing pages that have the shared property "template-elements" already set and I don't know how to update them.

Of course I can update the indivudal file properties in administration but that would result in quite inconsistent properties.


old template path:  /system/modules/my.module.old/templates/sometemplate.jsp
new template path: /system/modules/my.module.new/templates/sometemplate.jsp

When I update the individual properties for the files that use that template, I get this:

- template-elements (indiv.): /system/modules/my.module.new/templates/sometemplate.jsp    <-- this is ok
- template-elements (shared): /system/modules/my.module.old/templates/sometemplate.jsp   <-- still the old value

I changed the resourcetype definition to use the new path as shared "template-elements" property, but that didn't update the existing files.

How would I do that?


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