[opencms-dev] SEO description/keywords in meta-tags in detailpage

Andreas Gily Andreas.Gily at cardsys.at
Fri May 10 17:13:58 CEST 2013

Hi list members,

My content is mostly made of "v8news"-like items in various .content folders.

I have to use SEO with meta-keywords and meta-description support. 
In the XSD definition I've mapped title, description and keywords with their properties. 

When I access my news-item via detail-page, it works like a charm with the "Title" property. 
Unfortunately the news-item properties for description and keywords are not shown, because there is no special <cms:info ... /> tag and <cms:property... /> only uses the properties from the enclosing structured content detail page...

<title><cms:info property="opencms.title" /></title>
<meta name="description" content="<cms:property name="description" file="search" />">
<meta name="keywords" content="<cms:property name="keywords" file="search" />">

I've been searching all day long, but I did not find any solution yet...

If there is no easy tag for this: is there a way to find out (with scriptlet code?), which news-item is currently displayed in a detail-page? 
I thought about extracting the vfs url somehow and getting the property via: <cms:property name="Description" file="..." />

I've also thought about extracting the info inside the detail page formatter, but using jquery to modify the meta-tags after the page has loaded may not be the right solution, because crawlers may not use javascript...

Thanx in advance for some tips about this issue!



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