[opencms-dev] webopt 2.0 module - empty output

Christian Steinert christian at christian-steinert.de
Mon Jul 15 22:57:14 CEST 2013

Dear all

I had been using the first version of the webopt module.
As part of an upgrade to opencms 8.5 I also updated the webopt module to version 2.0.0

Since the update I only get empty results when I open compressed CSS and compressed JS files. There are no error messages in the logs and no exceptions being thrown by the optimization code - I simply get an empty response.

I have adjusted the resource type IDs in opencms-modules.xml to match the resource types that the Java code expects. I created a fresh v8-optimized-css files for my tests and used a simple CSS file to be compressed but it didn't help. Both for javascript and CSS files I only get empty output without any error message in the browser, the opencms logs, or the tomcat logs. I have the correct verison of yui compressor and the weboptimization jar in the libs older (yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar and com.alkacon.opencms.v8.weboptimization.jar) and there are no older versions of these jars in  the libs folder of the opencms webapp.

Does anybody have an idea what the problem could be or how I might be able to better understand the problem?

Thank you!

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