[opencms-dev] How to prevent editors from removing span elements

Paul-Inge Flakstad flakstad at npolar.no
Fri Nov 15 12:23:00 CET 2013

Hi everyone,

I'm desperate for help, as I just realized TinyMCE also strips non-breaking space ( ), and more (e.g. °).
This is a huge disappointment. First of all, we actually *need* those characters (if you can believe that). Secondly, we've spent much time painstakingly inserting these special characters where needed, in a lot of pages. Most of those pages have since been edited in TinyMCE because we're migrating to a newer version. Which means ... all that work is LOST ..!

So - this is the *default* behavior of the *default* editor? No good, if you ask me. No good at all. Having an editor strip valid html without asking is wrong!

I need to configure it to stop stripping stuff, or alternatively remove/disable TinyMCE. Is it possible? (How?)

Best regards,

From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org [mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org] On Behalf Of Paul-Inge Flakstad
Sent: 16. oktober 2013 11:10
To: The OpenCms mailing list
Subject: [opencms-dev] How to prevent editors from removing span elements


Where/how can I tell the editor(s) to leave my spans alone (and possibly other elements as well)? TinyMCE and FCKEditor are by default both stripping away perfectly valid span elements from the content. Terribly annoying.

My OpenCms version is 8.5.


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