[opencms-dev] Iterating twice on a contentload list in OpenCms9

Stolmár Tamás knight at borsodi.qualitis.hu
Thu Sep 25 13:23:01 CEST 2014

Hi all,

I have a problem in OpenCms 9.0.1.

I have to do a search on a page, and iterate twice on the results.

Something like (based on the list-large.jsp formatter):

<cms:contentload collector="byContext" param="${collectorParam}" 
<cms:contentinfo var="info" />

<c:if test="${info.resultSize > 0}">

<cms:contentload editable="false">
<cms:contentaccess var="content" />

<cms:contentload editable="true">
<cms:contentaccess var="content" />


If I remove the second <cms:contentload editable="true"> block, it works.
Else I get a null pointer exception deep from the tag library.

How can I reset back to the beginning of the resultset?
Or can I iterate first thru the xml objects somehow without the real 


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