[opencms-dev] OpenCms changes relative ressource links to absolute links to the workplace

David Hermanns select.david.from at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 16:51:57 CET 2014

Dear list members,

since updating to OpenCms 9.0.0 we got a problem with relative links. Now
updating to 9.5.0 didn't solve it.

When editing page contents with the editor and creating relative links,
absolute links are generated. Especially the fact, that the absolute link
refers to the resource in the workplace, is desastrous.

For example I link to another page  "/subfolder/otherpage.html".
After closing the popup "paste link", the link is overwritten to something
like:  "http://admin.my-page.de/subfolder/otherpage.html"
Also when pasting images e.g. like "/pics/myphoto.png".
After save/close and reopen the file, the ressource path is absolute to:  "

By the way, the real online site would be    "http://www.my-page.de"
admin.my-page.de is the URL of the workplace

The <sites>-Tag in our opencms-system.xml looks like that:

      <site server="http://www.my-page.de" uri="/sites/mypage/">
        <alias server="my-page.de"/>
        <alias server="www.my-page.eu"/>
        <alias server="my-page.eu"/>
        <alias server="www.my-page.com"/>
        <alias server="my-page.com"/>

We use no HTTPS.

What is our problem? Can I give you some more informations?

Kind regards,

David Hermanns
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