[opencms-dev] preserving a site installation (apache2, tomcat6, mysql, Opencms 9.5.0 as ROOT app)

Christoph Kukulies kuku at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Jan 8 16:43:01 CET 2015

During setting up my new site it can happen from time to time that I 
would like to do "snapshots", such that I can revert back to the last
known good state of the installation.

I tried that by doing (Windows 7 command line)

net stop apache2
net stop tomcat6
mysqldump -u root -p  opencms  >opencms_datestamp.sql
in tomcat home\webapps: tar zcvf ROOT_datestamp.tar.gz ROOT
net start apache2
net start tomcat6

and in case of desaster I tried to recover the installation by restoring 
the files.
I believe to recall that it has worked in the past but at the moment
I cannot resurrect the previous state from the backup.
/system/login cannot be found (error 404).

I'll have to reinstall again.

Anyone knowing a safe way to do a snapshot?

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de

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