[opencms-dev] CIFS Server error (JLANserver) out of memory in 9.5.1 update

Christoph Kukulies kuku at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Apr 10 16:31:46 CEST 2015

I updated a site today from 9.5.0 to 9.5.1 using the update wizard.
46297:    Shutdown completed, total uptime was 00:11:24.
46296:    Exception in thread "CIFS Server" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: 
PermGen space
46295:    [SMB] Closed CIFS request handler, CIFSRequestHandler_1
46294:    [SMB] Closed request handler, CIFSRequestHandler_1
46293:    [SMB] Closed session handler [SMB,TCP-SMB,ALL:445]
46292:    [SMB] SMB Server shutting down ...
46291:    Shutting server CIFS ...
46290:    Shutting down OpenCms, version 9.5.1 in web application "ROOT"
46287:    The OpenCms system used for the update will now shut down.
46286:    The update is finished!

Some error coming from the JLANserver (although it was happening at the 
end of the update process, I thought it worth to mention).

Wondering about the large number of logged lines? This comes from 
another gotcha that might happen to Windows (7) users.

When you edit e.g. cmsupdate.ori as recommended and comment out that
# Rebuild search indexes

line and you are doing this as non-privileged user, Windows 7 make you 
believe you had edited that line
but actually it puts a copy of that file in 
\Users\you\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\...

Bad bad!

Actually the Service never sees that change, and so it happened that my 
search indixes got rebuilt. Not an issue
but this thing can fool you terribly in other situations.

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de

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