[opencms-dev] Overwriting the db.pool.default.jdbcUrl from opencms.properties on start up

Stephan Schrader zstephanz at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 20:27:35 CET 2018

Hi Paul,

maybe this helps you:


Am Fr., 23. Nov. 2018 um 04:02 Uhr schrieb Paul Edison <
paul.finnedison at outlook.com>:

> Hi,
> I've got an OpenCMS 9.5 running here,
> in the* opencms.properties* file there is the db.pool.default.jdbcUrl
> defined and used.
> Is there a possibility to overwrite this on application startup - so that
> not the string form the file is used but from a jvm argument?
> Or can I set the string in the properties file to define this (name of the
> argument)?
> Or would it be possible to use a JNDI DataSource?
> Kind regards,
> Paul
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