[opencms-dev] installed 4.0.6 but some glitches:

Christoph Kukulies kuku at gilberto.physik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Tue Apr 9 18:23:41 CEST 2002

I installed Apache 1.3.23 + Tomcat 4.0.3 on my notebook,
mysql and opencms 4.0.6.

I wasn't yet able to use apache to access opencms but with this
my question is related. Somewhere in the the two page installation
instruction is written that one should copy the opencms.war file
into CALATLINA_HOME/web-apps/.

I copied it in ther and I could access opencms via port 8080 and tomcat.
But I would rather use apache to access it.

Wouldn't  it be better to install the war file a bit more conveniently
under web-apps, say opencms/.... and then create an xml entry or
how this is ever accomplished?

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies at rwth-aachen.de

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