[opencms-dev] How to use v. 5 beta

Alexander Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Mon Nov 25 14:38:03 CET 2002


the 5.0 template directory structure has changed. The documentation is
still refering to the 4.x installation. 

> The user guide refers to some directories called 
> /content/frametemplates, /content/templates, and 
> /content/contenttemplates.  These don't exist in the beta 
> installation...

All the important "/content" stuff now is in "/modules/default". This is
now the "default module" which still features the basic "empty" template
and the new "default" template. 

The reason was that you can also create additional modules (using the
Administration View -> Module Management). A Module does have it's own
template directory structure just like the deprecated /content
directory. It seemd logical to move the default stuff to a default
module then. 

> When I actually use "template1," however, I do not get "Hello 
> World" in the content of my new page, even though I've 
> correctly linked up the contenttemplate1 page.  I get 
> <[CDATA[]]> in the body of my content.

This is normal. To have a preset default body you need to put another
file in the "default_bodies" directory.

Note: There is a bug in the 5.0b2 with the selection of the
mastertemplate which has been discussed in this list earlier and fixed. 

> Some other confusing items:  There is an empty.xml template 
> in the contenttemplates directory

This is required only for JSP - XML integration. Check out the JSP file
/system/modules/default/frametemplates/default, here empty.xml is
included to display the body of the page. 

I suggest you check the "empty" and the "default" template in
/system/modules/default, follow the path information there to the other
files in the default module any manybe you get the idea. 

Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
OpenCms Group / Alkacon Software

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