[opencms-dev] Static export of JSPs

Ivan Biddles ivanb at scientology.net
Wed Jan 15 19:39:10 CET 2003


I see that "Static export for JSP pages and JSP based templates added"
in RC1.

Just to be sure that I understand, does that mean:

a. that the JSPs are executed during the publishing process and their
output is exported as straight HTML files to the export folder


b. that the JSPs are exported to the file system, but such that they can
be executed with each request that comes in (and thus possibly produce
different output for each request).

It appears to me that (a) is the case unless I am doing something wrong.

Could someone please confirm or refute my assumption?

All my pages have JSPs in the frame template that change the content of
various sections of the page (border, left navigation bar etc.)
depending upon various run-time parameters.

Does this mean that I have to mark all of my content as "export=false"?

I apologize for my confusion on this.

Best wishes, 

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