[opencms-dev] Problems with caching dynamic pages

hbusch at push-interactive.de hbusch at push-interactive.de
Thu Mar 20 15:50:05 CET 2003


Apart from the fact that we still haven't resolved our database problems
(see "[opencms-dev] openCMS too much connections problem"), we are
encountering another problem: the element cache. There are more options to
configure it in OpenCMS 5 by now, but we still have trouble.

Let's assume I have a dynamic page that is generated by a class that extends
CmsXmlTemplate, for example


When I call this page, it gives me an overview of all articles available for
viewing. Every article can be viewed completely by clicking a link that
leads to the same page, just with a parameter added:


This call should generate a page that contains the article with ID 45 in
whole. With element cache disabled, this works. When I enable the cache and
click on that link, the overview page is regenerated, just as if I hadn't
appended a parameter. It is not possible to select a specific article. Apart
from a nice screen-redraw in the browser, the page is just the same it was

I tried overriding the methods that should control caching


so that they all return "false". Funny thing is, they only get called when
the element cache is disabled, the system just ignores them when the cache
is activated. If they do not control the element cache in detail, then what
is the purpose of these methods?

I could deactivate the cache, but a the system massively loses performance
and this tradeoff isn't acceptable.

How can I use caching *and* have my pages displayed correctly?

We are using OpenCMS RC2on TomCat 4.1.18 running under linux.

Any help is appreciated!

With best regards,
Hendrik Busch

push!interactive gmbh                  | In der VillaMedia
Viehhofstrasse 125 | D 42117 Wuppertal | phone +49 (0)202 2427-353  | fax
Klenzestrasse 38   | D 80469 Munich    | phone +49 (0)89  2602465-0 | fax -2
mailto:hbusch at push-interactive.de      | http://www.push-interactive.de

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