[opencms-dev] Installation Problems: OpenCms initialization error!

Jovanka Pangestu jupangestu at thalesraytheon-us.com
Fri Jul 25 20:11:02 CEST 2003

Hi List,

This is my first time posting.  Searching through the mailing archives 
it seems that there are quite a few with the same problems that I have.  
I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions. 

At first there were problems with opencms creating the database.  I 
tried using my root user with my root password, but it always gave me a 
failed error message due to access denied for the root user.  What I did 
to resolve that problem was doing a mysql statement: "grant all on *.* 
to user at hostname identified by 'password' " and one of the thing this 
statement does is that it automatically creates the user in the 
mysql.user table.  Then I used this user and password in the openCMS 
wizard and the opencms database was created successfully.

Then I happily go through the install and the wizard ended succesfully, 
but when I click the link to start opencms at the following link
http://localhost:8080/opencms/opencms/index.jsp, I get a list of errors 
of these 4 root causes:

   1. com.opencms.core.CmsException: 33 Resourcebroker-init error.
      Detailed error: Database init failed. root cause was
      com.opencms.core.CmsException: 33 Resourcebroker-init error.
      Detailed error: Critical error while loading resourcebroker. root
      cause was com.opencms.core.CmsException: 4 Sql exception. Detailed
      error: [com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsDbAccess] Cannot connect to
      MySQL server on [MY SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is there a MySQL
      server running on the machine/port you are trying to connect to?
      (java.net.ConnectException). root cause was java.sql.SQLException:
      Cannot connect to MySQL server on  [MY SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is
      there a MySQL server running on the machine/port you are trying to
      connect to? (java.net.ConnectException)
   2.  >Root cause: >com.opencms.core.CmsException: 33
      Resourcebroker-init error. Detailed error: Critical error while
      loading resourcebroker. >root cause was
      com.opencms.core.CmsException: 4 Sql exception. Detailed error:
      [com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsDbAccess] Cannot connect to MySQL
      server on  [MY SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is there a MySQL server
      running on the machine/port you are trying to connect to?
      (java.net.ConnectException). >root cause was
      java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL server on  [MY
      SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on the
      machine/port you are trying to connect to? (java.net.ConnectException)
   3.  >>Root cause: >>com.opencms.core.CmsException: 4 Sql exception.
      Detailed error: [com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsDbAccess] Cannot
      connect to MySQL server on  [MY SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is there
      a MySQL server running on the machine/port you are trying to
      connect to? (java.net.ConnectException). >>root cause was
      java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL server on  [MY
      SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on the
      machine/port you are trying to connect to? (java.net.ConnectException)
   4.  >>>Root cause: >>>java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL
      server on  [MY SERVER IP ADDRESS]:3306. Is there a MySQL server
      running on the machine/port you are trying to connect to?
      (java.net.ConnectException) >>> at
      com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.connectionInit(Unknown Source)

I don't understand why its asking me if the MySQL database is up and 
running .  Then wizard was able to create the database in the wizard, 
shouldn't opencms know that it it up and running?

Here are the specs for the server I am using:

Red Hat Linux release 7.3
Tomcat 4.1.24 full install (plus webapps, and admin webapps)
MySQL 3.23.49-3

Another thing is that I set the CATALINA_OPTS=-Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 
in the tomcat4.config file.  I wasn't sure where to set that variable, I 
even set that as an environment variable but that didn't work.  Instead, 
setting the CATALINA_OPTS variable in the tomcar4.config file seems to 
get rid of the encoding difference error.

Thanks in Advance,

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