[opencms-dev] Replaced xercesImpl, now getting error 404 on e diting HTML.

Thomas M�rz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Fri Jan 23 20:59:01 CET 2004

Michael Nork <mnork at recursionsw.com> writes:

> Probably for the same reason it is so hard for you to read the original post
> and follow it.

Well, it is hard to follow, since you don't use any References-Header in
your mails. And by the way I read your original post. And tell me how
did you solve the problem? If I read your posts correctly then you did
everything as posted in "RE: [opencms-dev] Edit Error 404 Resource not
Available (SOLUTION )" already?

> To compound matters that did not solve the problem, unless you are
> intimating that Tomcat somehow can access a directory it knows nothing
> about.  Since the files are still there then that must not be the problem.
> In case you missed my intent I gave a full description of the steps I had
> taken just in case someone out in the community was interested in helping
> (which I might add they did).  I guess it was just too much information for
> you to digest.
> Anyway sorry to spam the rest of you on this list with this tirade, I just
> detest sniping.

I am sorry. But xerces*.jar topics are annoying. And in the end you did
nothing but replacing [0] the file. 

Maybe the real question is: to replace by copying or to replace by

[0] http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=replace

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