[opencms-dev] Re: AW: Navigation and static export, a problem

MichalDzirba mdzirba at intercon.pl
Wed Mar 10 11:52:02 CET 2004

Michael Goodwin wrote:
> I use server side includes, which are invisible to opencms. The navigation
> page still needs exporting manually - I've written a button to do as
> much...
> I guess you could include the jsp directly like this in each of your pages,
> so it remains dynamic.
> The other thing to do would be to include some code that touches and
> exports the navigation, in your templates which use the navigation, so when
> any page is published the navigation gets pulled with them. Though this
> won't work with deleting pages.
> Or perhaps execute an invisible jsp page, when you load a page, which does
> something along the lines of exporting on demand the navigation. May be
> problematic.
> Are there not publishing and maintanence classes which can be associated
> with projects, so some code gets executed during a publish? Which would do
> the trick. Would it work for direct publishes?

Mark, Michael, Thanks for the advise.
I'll go with the ssi, which i already use to include things like footers 
and so on. It'll still require some thinking an when to publish the 
navigatation pages, and how to avoid the extra user actions (if possible).


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