[opencms-dev] Export from a table to OpenCMS

M Butcher mbutcher at grcomputing.net
Thu Apr 22 18:29:30 CEST 2004


I think you _could_ do this by adding the material to the CMS_RESOURCES, 
CMS_FILES and CMS_PROPERTIES tables. You'd probably have to look in the 
SQL properties files for the database you are using and see how the 
OpenCms developers did it.

The process would have to be something like:
1) Create VFS resource names for each file (these need to be unique and 
formatted correctly)
2) Load the PDF data into CMS_RESOURCES and CMS_FILES
3) Load title, description, etc. into the properties table.

For searching, you will need one of the search modules, and you may have 
to do a little bit of tweaking to get the search engine to index all of 
the properties you want, but that should be relatively minor.

This is not an easy thing to do, but I think it is possible.


Felipe.Ramos at steria.es wrote:
> Hi all!!
>         I have a table in a DB with 5000rows.  Each row has a BLOB with 
> a PDF and the other columns are propertys of the PDF ( name, 
> description, author, creationDate.... )      I would like to use OpenCMS 
> to manage that content, and so, delete that table.
>         1.- How can I import that information from the original table to 
> OpenCMS?
>         2.-  When the import finished, Will I be able to search all the 
> documents of some author, or all the documents created beetwen some 
> dates...., using OpenCMS?
>         3.- Do you have any other suggestion?
> Thank you very much for your help!!
> ------------------------------------------------
> Felipe Ramos
> Steria EspaƱa
> Paseo de las Doce Estrellas, 2
> Campo de las Naciones
> 28042 Madrid
> Tel.: 913 939 888
> -------------------------------------------------

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