[opencms-dev] open letter -- How to learn OpenCMS

Thomas Maerz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Wed Oct 13 20:53:01 CEST 2004

"Andy Kriger" <akriger at greaterthanone.com> writes:

> To clarify, I am making a suggestion to help the growth of OpenCms. I have
> the book, I have read docs, I have searched the archives (maybe not made it
> my bedtime reading, but done a bunch of searching/browsing). However,
> OpenCms is a complex system and every little bit helps. 

I just took a look at the preview chapter and it looked really
promising, but most things I do only with OpenCms API and without new
resource types and without modules.

E. g. a news archive, simple folders, 2003/01 .. 2004/10, with news
pages in. Order them with navigation properties or name them so you
don't need navigation properties. Read the files in the folders and
display the title or navigation in a news overview. Read parts of the
content to display an excerpt. (I think I worked too much with scripting

And know it got difficult for me:
Add an event listener to publish the overview when any page in the
folder was published.

I don't know if the book covers things like this:


But what about this pseudo code:

| String folder = parentFolder( uri );
| try {
|     cms.getContent( uri + "footer.html" );
| } catch ( CmsException e ) {
|     cms.getContent( defaulFooter );
| }

> For example, if you have a pointer to what an 'inclusion loop error' is and
> how it is caused, that would be great. This one comes up a lot (in my
> learning and in the mailing lists), but I haven't found an explanation of
> what it's all about. Without that understanding, I am not able to figure out
> how to address it, work around it, live with it.

,----[ org.opencms.flex.CmsFlexRequestDispatcher ]
| if (f_req.containsIncludeCall(m_vfsTarget)) {
|     // this resource was already included earlier, so we have a (probably endless) inclusion loop
|     throw new ServletException("FlexDispatcher: Dectected inclusion loop for target " + m_vfsTarget);
| } else {     
|     f_req.addInlucdeCall(m_vfsTarget);
| }

Best Regards,

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