[opencms-dev] LocaleHandler implementation

Robert Petermeier robert2.0 at gmx.de
Thu Nov 25 16:28:36 CET 2004

Hi everyone,

I've attached our alternative implementation of I_CmsLocaleHandler. It 
works as follows:

- If a request parameter "__setlocale" is present the locale specified
   in this parameter is stored in the session.

It then goes on to construct a CmsI18nInfo object. For this it looks up 
the user-selected locale in the session (under the key
"javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.locale.session" which is used by JSTL , too).

- If a locale is found in the session this locale is used.
- If no locale is found in the session, the HTTP request header is
   parsed and matched against the installed locales.
- If no matching locale is found then the default locale of OpenCms is

Comments are welcome.

Best regards,
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