[opencms-dev] SSL sites

Martin Kuba makub at ics.muni.cz
Thu Nov 25 17:16:18 CET 2004

Hi Alexander,

I tried to have multiple sites with SSL access with OpenCMS 6alpha2,
but unfortunately that is not working. I thought that it is fixed in
that release.

I have following setup in opencms-system.xml:

   <site server="http://acrab.ics.muni.cz" uri="/sites/meta/"/>
   <site server="https://acrab.ics.muni.cz" uri="/sites/meta/"/>
   <site server="http://localhost" uri="/sites/egee/"/>
   <site server="https://localhost" uri="/sites/egee/"/>

and Apache in front of TomCat with virtual hosts
for "acrab.ics.muni.cz" and "localhost".

When I try to access


it displays different pages from the correct sites.
However when I try to access


it displays empty page, because it tries to access /sites/default/index.html.

When I change the opencms-system.xml to:


then both SSL URLs display the page /sites/meta/index.html

Where is the URL mapped to sites ? It looks like the resolver
uses the default site for all "https" requests.

Supercomputing Center Brno             Martin Kuba
Institute of Computer Science    email: makub at ics.muni.cz
Masaryk University             http://www.ics.muni.cz/~makub/
Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ     mobil: +420-603-533775

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