[opencms-dev] label xml-content

Kraus Marcel Marcel.Kraus at sycor.de
Thu Dec 16 17:13:38 CET 2004



i have 3 xsd-files


in the first file i have a element which include the second xml-content (xsd)


<xsd:element name="Paragraph" type="OpenCmsNewsBlock" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="3"/>


The second xsd-file includes the last (xsd) 


<xsd:element name="ImageRight" type="OpenCmsNewsImage" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>



Now my problem


I have made a label-file


But I can only see the labels of the elements which are no nested xml-content.

Who can correct my label-file? (who can help me)










# Localized Strings and help texts to display on the article editor



fileicon.NewsArticle = News-Article

title.newNewsArticle = Create a new news-article


editor.label.NewsArticle.Title = Title

editor.label.NewsArticle.Title.help = The title of the article.<br>This value will be mapped to the "Title" property of the resource.

editor.label.NewsArticle.Teaser = Teaser text

editor.label.NewsArticle.Teaser.help = The teaser of the article, a short summary that will be displayed on overview lists.

editor.label.NewsArticle.Text = Article text

editor.label.NewsArticle.Text.help = The full text of the article

editor.label.NewsArticle.Release = Release date

editor.label.NewsArticle.Release.help = The release date of the article.<br>This value will be mapped to the "relase date" attribute of the resource.

editor.label.NewsArticle.Expired = Expired date

editor.label.NewsArticle.Expired.help = The expired date of the article.<br>This value will be mapped to the "expired date" attribute of the resource.

editor.label.NewsArticle.Author = Author

editor.label.NewsArticle.Author.help = The name of the article author.

editor.label.NewsArticle.Paragraph = Paragraph                          -------> not works!


editor.label.Paragraph.ImageLeft = Image left                              -------> not works!

editor.label.Paragraph.ImageRight = Image light                          -------> not works!

editor.label.Paragraph.Text = Text



editor.label.NewsImage.Image = Image

editor.label.NewsImage.ImageText = Description






Marcel Kraus

OC-CC-DEV / Development Consultant



Heinrich-von-Stephan-Straße 1-5

D - 37073 Göttingen


Telefon   +49 (0) 551 / 490 - 2466

Telefax    +49 (0) 551 / 490 - 232466


mailto:marcel.kraus at sycor.de <mailto:marcel.kraus at sycor.de> 

www.sycor.de <http://www.sycor.de/> 




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