[opencms-dev] Error during installation

Champod Eric (KETS 3) eric.champod at credit-suisse.com
Wed Feb 9 12:54:03 CET 2005

Hello everybody,

I have som troubles to install OpenCms 5.0.1 ! I always get the error : 

Could no connect to database via: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure: java.io.IOException, underlying cause: Unexpected end of input stream

I know there is already some messages about that problem, but I cannot find the solution...
I've installed OpenCms 6.0_alpha_3 without any problem ( using the same database connection, the same user name, etc... ), but I can't open the documentations module on this version, and all the help, modules, etc..  I can find on the web is regarding version 5.x... So I really would like to install this version.

Can anyone help me ?
I've create the CATALINA_OPTS variable with the following parameters : -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1

I'm using MySQL 4.1.9, tomCat 4.1.31 and SDK 1.4.2_06....

Thanks in advance.

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