RES: [opencms-dev] Locale Opencms 6 alpha3

Alexander Kandzior alex at
Thu Feb 10 09:37:15 CET 2005

>   I was trying to find some file in /system folder inside 
> VFS. I've found the files for english 
> and german in the opencms.jar, but what specifically do I need to do??
> 1) Create a jar file with the file
> org/opencms/workplace/
> 2) Create a folder "br" in the /system/workplace/locales location???
> 3) Both???

2) is the way for additional locales to be added. 1) is only for the default
workplace locales. The locale selection process of OpenCms for the workplace
checks both locations, however it's easier for an additional module to use
the 2) method since it can then be distributed separately from the core.

Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

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