[opencms-dev] Question about XML-Content- Concept

Wolfgang Winzer wwinzer at ka-dus.de
Thu Jun 9 16:33:22 CEST 2005

MickyW wrote:

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Wolfgang Winzer" <wwinzer at ka-dus.de>
>>Forget about the html, the important parts are the <cms:contentXXX>-tags.
>>The <cms:contentload ...> is really a loop tag, for each newsitem found,
>>it will generate another <table>
>>It took me SOME time to figure out, what to put in the cms:contentloads
>>param attribute:
>>The first number (7=xmlcontent) specifies the filetype the contentloader
>>uses as filter. If you don't get any newsitems it might be that this
>>number doesn't match the filetype you gave your newsfiles. I looked up
>>that "7" in my opencms-vfs.xml where it says:
>> <type class="org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlContent"
>>name="xmlcontent" id="7"/>
>>The second number is easy, just the maximum number of newsitems to
>>display. Can be even omitted.
>>You NEED to have a macrovalue like ${number} in the path, it is NOT
>>sufficient to specify a folder with newsitems in it.
>I'm using contentload without that and it works fine :)
>I do it like this :
><cms:contentload collector="${property.collector}" param="/<path to
>search>/|<the ID you defined for the content type>" editable="true">
>and itloads recursively any file, whatever its name is, whose content type
>matches with the ID specified.
>of course it works only if you have define the new content type in
>opencms-modules.xml as I described in my previous mail
Yes, I hoped the collector "allInFolder" would work the same way. Maybe 
I did something wrong. Can you tell me, which collector you actually 
used? The ${property.collector} is just a macrovalue pointing to the 
property "collector" of the jsp.


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