[opencms-dev] big bug in opencms 6.0.0 final

bub habub japorami at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 14:10:32 CEST 2005


so i'm sitting here for some time and try to figure
out what exactly is not working. so what happenend.
somehow when i create a new folder e.g. 

it doesn't appear on the my real file system
there is the default folder but no test folder.

then i try to import a package and neither find it on
the my real file system nor can i use it.

i put it in

tried to use it with the scheduler: but is not

then i changed some files and and used and the changes
that i did, didn't take effect.
suddenly i found two time the same class file on the
real file system and somehow opencms was referring the
whole time to the old one. i deleted them manually and
   saved and published once more and again no changes
took place. only thing that helped was to rename the
file and publish it.

then i set an user id userlastmodified for a file and
print it on screen. so far looks fine but when i
actually look in the explorer again only admin has
lastmodified that file. even though it showed sth
differnt after running my file. 

i don't know what i did wrong but i think there is a
synchronization problem with my opencms system.

maybe i look into the wrong folders in the real file
system or it is a real bug. searched also for files
like the example scheduler files but none of them
seems to exist. i realized i need help!

hopefully one can help me since i'm quite depressed.

thanks a lot


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