[opencms-dev] Retaining URL parameters in 'backlink' property fordirect editing?

Nigel Kersten nigel at cofa.unsw.edu.au
Tue Feb 21 23:26:34 CET 2006

On 22/02/2006, at 8:35 AM, Jonathan Woods wrote:

> Only thing I can think of is bit nasty: when the page is rendered,  
> and if
> the rendering is for the offline project only, then you could stash  
> the
> value of the attribute in the session and later retrieve it after  
> editing
> (failing gracefully if not there or if not in the offline project) to
> redisplay the right data.

That's not such a bad idea, and would be quite simple, just put an  
extra check in the bit that is already checking to see if  
param.category is empty.

Thanks for the suggestion. I imagine that the reason it works like  
this is because OpenCMS is just making a cms link out of the path to  
the vfs file, rather than grabbing the current uri?

Is there some reason I'm not thinking of why it would be bad for  
OpenCMS change the behaviour to grab the uri instead?

Nigel Kersten [Senior Technical Officer]
College of Fine Arts, University of NSW, Australia.
CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G

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