[opencms-dev] Webusers migration

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Wed Mar 22 19:04:48 CET 2006

> Unfortunately, the new system we need to move the webusres to is already in
> place, so we need to solve this in the next couple of days, and can't
> justify a version update.
> Any comment to my thoughts about extracting/inserting CMS_USERS records? If
> this direct table data migration is not possible, I guess I could extract
> the webuser information from CMS_USERS, write a OpenCms program to create
> new webusers in the new system using this data and dummy passwords, and then
> update the passwords in the new table with the old data, but I'd prefer to
> save the effort...
> Thanks,
> Pere

Normal users are exported when you export files from the cms shell.
Then, when you import the files into your new system, the users are created as well.

Have you tried this? I don't know, If webusers are exported along with this, though.

If you take over the data from old tables, then you have to enable legacy authentication.
I think the way of storing passwords has changed in the meantime, but the old way can still be activated.
I don't know, if the tables structures are the same as with opencms 5

not much from my side, but maybe it helps in some way...
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