[opencms-dev] OpeenCMS 6.2.1 with PostgreSQL-8.0

Martin Hoeller martin.hoeller at xss.co.at
Wed May 17 09:40:01 CEST 2006

On Wednesday 17 May 2006 09:20 Ivan Codarin wrote:
> Dears,
> in the help tooltip on the database step of the setup processo of
> opencms there should be an explaination on how to put the correct
> templatedb...
> can you confirm me this? I haven't here a server to test this...

Yes, there is a tooltip. It says:

---8<-------- [snip] ------------
The Setup Connection is used only during this setup process.
The specified user must have database administration permissions in order to 
create the database and tables. This user information is not stored after 
the setup is finished. For Postgresql versions before 8.0 you can use 
"template1"/"template0" databases. For Postgresql 8.0 and newer it is 
better to use "postgres" database. If you discover problems accessing to 
the templatedb tipcally a "templatedb is being accessed by other users" try 
to restart your DBMS or change the templatedb you are accessing. Some tools 
(i.e. PgAdmin3) are accessing to template1 by default, so turn off that 
---8<-------- [snap] ------------

> If that message is not "so clear" please suggest me a better
> explaination... my english is very bad.

The first part is fine. I would slightly change the second part to something 
like this:

If you discover problems accessing the templatedb (like "templatedb is being 
accessed by other users"), try to restart your DBMS or change the 
templatedb you are accessing. Some tools (e.g. PgAdmin3) are accessing  
template1 by default, so turn off that tools.

- martin
    mailto:martin.hoeller at xss.co.at  |
http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e9926483  |  Make it idiot proof and someone
                       icq:45563199  |  will build a better idiot.
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