[opencms-dev] setting properties for new resource

Carl Alex Friis Nielsen cfn at kb.dk
Tue Oct 10 12:41:58 CEST 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org@KB On Behalf Of "Felix Sprick" 

> Thanks, Carl. It would actually be enough if I am able to add more properties
> to the first dialog. The "page with free text" is a xmltype as well, isn't it?

No - "page with free text" is an xmlpage - xmltypes is what you get when using
"structured content"

> I had a quick look into the opencms-modules.xml but don't really know where
> to place the parameters. Do you know the exact place where to add it by heart,
> this would save me some trial-and-error time...

Sorry - not for xmltypes (except that it can be done in "opencms-modules.xml"),
but all the "standard" types are configured in "opencms-workplace" under
"defaultproperties" for each type. If "shownavigation" is set to "true"
navigation properties will be included - otherwise there is a "property" tag
for each property to include for the type.
Have a look at the file - it is not very hard to understand.

> Tack så mycket,

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