[opencms-dev] Multilanguage pages

Carl Alex Friis Nielsen cfn at kb.dk
Fri Nov 10 10:05:47 CET 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org@KB On Behalf Of Eneko González
Benito <eneko.gonzalez at elpagestion.com>

> I know OpenCMS supports displaying web pages in several languages, but i 
> don´t know how it works.

Set the locale property of a resource to whatever locale you desire to have
it displayed in (or set it on a folder to use a locale for the contents
of the folder).

You can create siblings of a resource and give each sibling a different locale
to display the same resource in different locales.

> I need to add new languages to the language combo in the editor, but i'm 
> not able to do it. Besides, i'd like to know how OpenCMS selects the 
> language the user wants to see.

You configure the available locales in the opencms-system.xml file.
You set the locale used in the workplace in the preferences dialog.



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