[opencms-dev] Develop in a collaborative environment

Rüdiger Kurz r.kurz at alkacon.com
Wed Nov 25 16:37:31 CET 2009

Hi Lorenzo,

first of all we at Alkacon develop OpenCms on a local system i.e.
Microsoft Windows and transfer our changes after testing on the live
system. On the development machines we have a folder dev i.e. c:\dev
with the following folder structure:

Apache   -> folder for apache httpd server
BuildCms -> target folder for ant which deploys the webapp
eclipse  -> eclipse installation
MySQL5.0 -> installation of MySQL
Tomcat6.0-> tomcat installation
workspace-> workspace of eclipse

If this components all running fine and OpenCms is installed correctly,
we start to develop our own OpenCms-Modules. For doing so we create a
module with the OpenCms-Workplace tool called Module-Management.
Afterwards we export the created module and import it into a separate
eclipse project which is dependent on the OpenCms-Core Project.
Therewith we can use the OpenCms API in a separate project.

The normal folder structure of a module in eclipse has two sub folders

1) modules/com.company.modulename/resources (the resources folder which
contains the module resources like JSPs)

2) modules/com.company.modulename/src (the source folder which contains
packages and java files that belong to the java build path)

The folder modules/com.company.modulename/resources looks like the 

- system
   + modules
     + int.wipo.cutomers
       + classes
       + elements
       + pages
       + resources
       + schemas
       + templates
- manifest.xml

We use a ant script which is able to build a module
ZIP-File which can be imported via the OpenCms workplace. If you don't 
want to write your own ant script you can use eclipse to
develop your jar files which you later copy manually to your WEB-INF/lib
folder and creating JSPs and other content elements directly in OpenCms

For the development in general there are two main possibilities:

1) Development in eclipse with manual synchronization with the OpenCms
VFS (as we do in general and is described above)

2) Development in eclipse with the use of webdav connectivity (Makes it 
possible to synchronize VFS and RFS automatically)

Kind Regards,

Rüdiger Kurz

Alkacon Software GmbH  - The OpenCms Experts
http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org

Lorenzo Caggioni schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'm starting using OpenCms in a new big project. 
> The project need a collaborative development environment and a system of
> development -> test -> production environments.
> Is there any best practice to do that? 
> Which are the best steps to:
> - create module (Eclipse?)
> - deploy the module on development environment
> - share the module with collegues(SVN?)
> - deploy the module on test environment and on production environment
> How can I organize those steps in an armonic way?
> I read about maven-OpenCms project but it seems stacked to OpenCms 7.0.3
> version...
> Thanks in advance,
> Lorenzo
> ----------------------------------------
>  Lorenzo Caggioni
>  Premiaweb s.r.l.
>  e-mail: lorenzo.caggioni at premiaweb.it
>  Tel: 02-66406018
> ----------------------------------------
> www.premiaweb.it 
> www.agriturismo.it - la guida selezionata agli agriturismo d'Italia
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