[opencms-dev] Default-file for folder tree

Nagy Attila lists.opencms.org at tylla.hu
Wed Mar 2 16:00:07 CET 2011

Hi Paul!

> I don't see how my proposed solution has "more steps, too much for 
> some users", so I'll just clarify real quick, in case there's any 
> misunderstaning going on.
> This is what would happen:
> 1. The user clicks "New" --> "Folder"
> 2. In the "New folder" dialog, the user does all the normal stuff, and 
> checs that the "Index page" is set to "TOC" (a type you have added as 
> an available index page type)
> 3. The user clicks "OK" - done
Actually there is another step when the name of the index file and 
whether you want to edit its properties is asked. At least on my system 
it goes this way.
I don't know whether this can be skipped, if yes than please tell me how 
- than it would be OK.
If not, than even if it isn't a really complicated step, but 
nevertheless it's a possible point of failure.
So if I could eliminate some unnecessary steps instead of convincing the 
users to accept it blindly, than i would rather go without the plus steps.

> An index page of type "TOC" is automatically created inside the new 
> folder. It lists the folder contents like you want. The user can edit 
> the title if he wants to (e.g. overriding a default title which you've 
> defined).
> I think this is almost as simple as it gets, and should be no 
> problem – even for the v0.9beta types. ;-)
You wouldn't believe how "beta" some users can be. :)
Sometimes they remind me of the old joke, when the support person - 
after finding out in a half-an-hour phone session that the "word 
processor isn't working" because there is power failure in the building 
- tells the caller to pack in its computer in the original packaging and 
bring it back to the store and telling them "I'm too stupid to use a 
computer!". ;-)

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