[opencms-dev] how to debug the error "VFS target resource was already included earlier"

Marko Riedel markoriedelde at yahoo.de
Tue May 24 15:55:31 CEST 2011


I have a simple JSP file that connects to a MySQL database and retrieves and displays some data. This works and when I click on it in the explorer, the output is a HTML table containing the set of records.

Now I would like to wrap this code with a template. I inherited several of these from another programmer and they work fine when wrapping HTML files. (I need two columns on the left and right with navigation data, news etc.)

I am trying to include elements of the template like this:
<cms:include property="template" element="head" />

Unfortunately regardless of what template I use, I always get the exception "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: VFS target resource "/mitarbeiter.jsp" was already included earlier" (mitarbeiter.jsp is the name of the JSP file).

Can someone  tell me what is going on here? I read in the mailing list archives that there must not be any cms:includes in a template included from a jsp file. I do have quite a few of those, but removing them would me rewriting the entire template structure, a daunting task, as there is a lot of code.


Marko Riedel

| Marko Riedel, markoriedelde at yahoo.de              |
| http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/~riedelmo/ |

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