[opencms-dev] How to build ant-opencms-1.2.jar

Alberto Gallardo argrico at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 10:53:16 CET 2013

Dear list,

since a while I'm diving into the OpenCms build scripts but cannot find an
easy (out-of-the-box) way to build the ant-opencms-1.2.jar library. I must
be missing something?

The point is that I have noticed that the manifest.xml files (e.g.
"modules/org.opencms.ade.containerpage/resources/manifest.xml") for the
gwt-modules are modified during the build (module's target "dist", task
"ensuredirmanifest"), meaning that they are source and build artifacts at
the same time. This is inconvenient, as with a clean-build, the version
control will alert about these files being changed. I was now trying to
understand the code and write a pull-request...

Best regards,

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