[opencms-dev] Non Root context and POST problems

Chris Kruger opencms at krugerheavyindustries.com
Mon Aug 12 07:10:20 CEST 2013

Hi Folks,

I run my opencms (v8.5.1) installation in a non root context. So connecting directly to tomcat my URIs all have /opencms/opencms/ … in them. Following the guide on the wiki http://www.opencms-wiki.org/wiki/Removing_/opencms/opencms_from_site_url I  attempted to remove this opencms URI substrings from web URLs. It works for GET requests but it seems NOT work when I try to POST data. 

My symptoms are: 

1) Login to my workplace: the opencms log says login successful but I get redirected to the login page rather than getting the workplace open up. 
2) Attempting to use my contact form always acts like a fresh GET, rather than a POST. 

I thought it was to do with ProxyPass directive causing confusing so I tried using AJP plugin and URL rewrite instead, but the problem persists. There is something I don't understand going on. 

I have read a number of threads regarding similar problems but I am still not clear on how to fix it. I have tried various combinations of vfs-prefix in opencms-importexport.xml, but I cannot get exactly the result I want. Which is opencms parts stripped from URL and working POST


Chris Kruger

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